Polarities and the art of integrative thinking, a coaching perspective

Polarities and the art of integrative thinking, a coaching perspective – 27.9.2023

Ajankohta: ke 27.9.2023 klo 18.00 - 19.30

Toteutus: virtuaalisesti Zoom-alustalla

Kouluttaja Sharon Olivier

Järjestäjä ICF Finland

ICF Finland kutsuu Suomen Coaching-yhdistyksen jäseniä osallistumaan järjestämäänsä webinaariin Polarities and the art of integrative thinking, a coaching perspective.

Many people, when faced with opposing views and diversities, are tempted to decide on
who is right and who is wrong and then to eliminate that/those that are “wrong”. The
more successful are those who are able to extract value from opposing views. This requires
an ability to hold and integrate polarities & paradox.

In this workshop Sharon shares the essence of Integrative thinking and a process coaches can
use to help their coachees to notice and navigate the diversities and incompatibilities they
are grappling with. Participants learn a practical process that can be used in coaching
conversations on how to extract value from diverse viewpoints (polarities) and to create
integrated ideas and solutions. Essentially helping coachees to move from an either/or
mindset to a both/and mindset.

Speaker: Sharon Olivier, MA Org Psych. NLP, PNI

Polarities and the art of integrative thinking, a coaching perspective

As an Organisational Psychologist, senior Faculty in Leadership development and Discipline Lead for HR and Talent at Ashridge Hult Executive Education, Sharon facilitates learning, researches & consults in Leading in the 21st century, Agile  leadership, Team Engagement, Polarity Management, Cognitive Diversity/Psychological Safety, Strategic HR, the neuro-science of reframing unhelpful patterns, and Emotional Resilience. Her latest research is on the relationship between meaning-making in the prevention of Emotional Burnout.

Before joining Ashridge, Sharon gained valuable leadership and industry experience as a senior leader in Human Resources in the Motor Industry for 10 years and led the Development Division for 150 Dealerships.  She then joined an international consulting organisation as head of Learning for 2 years, after which she owner-led a successful OD development and Learning company based in Johannesburg, offering OD consulting and executive education internationally for 17 years. Sharon is known for her ability to intuitively read and tune in with a person or group and then to bring what is needed in the moment, balancing inspiration, provocation, empathy and support.

She has established a record of accomplishment as an accredited Coach, Facilitator and inspirational Speaker at conferences on the topics such as Personal Resiliency, Cognitive Diversity and three intelligences needed to lead the 21st century organisation.  She has co-published a book on Personal Resilience “Diamonds in the Dust”,  a chapter in “Inspiring Leadership” on The Engagement Dilemma and the use of Ego &  Eco Leadership Intelligence, and the Palgrave 2022 book on Servant leadership on the role of the Benevolent Ego in Servant Leadership. Her latest research and book on Agile Leadership in Turbulent Times was published by Routledge in January 2021.  

Youtube channel on Agile Leadership 

Agile leadership book website

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